Thursday, 13 November 2014

Waiting waiting waiting...

So today is day 19 of the 20 day period they give once we signed contracts and nothing has begun. Feeling very disappointed. I rang construction this morning and we are next to go apparently, so the slab site supervisor will get our file on Monday (the 20th day) and I can contact him to get a start date. They are just about 3wks into our contract now so I hope they stick to their 17wk promise... 14wks to go... (plus a Christmas break).


  1. We signed our contracts today and they said its 17 weeks from when the slab gets pored.

  2. We were told they have 20 working days to get our file into the construction team and after that point if they went over they had to make up for lost time within our contract time (say they took 25 working days to begin from when we signed contracts, they have to make up 5 days within the 17wk agreed contract time).

  3. Sorry, they have 20 working days from when your construction letter is issued from the bank

  4. They said that to us to but i asked if they 17 week contract starts from when we get the letter from the bank and the lady said no when the slab is pored. I had thought it was 17 weeks from when we got the letter from the bank
