Sunday, 22 February 2015


Our house is looking more and more like a house from the inside now. Gyprockers were there last week installing all the walls and ceilings. It's looking great (even if I do say so myself). Eaves were also installed.

Our entry way (with half the ceiling done)

 Our Ensuite

The Living Room

Looking toward the kids rooms

The Activities Room

The Laundry

Looking from in the Activities Room toward the Family Room

Looking from in the Kitchen toward the Dining & Activities Rooms

The Main Bathroom

Looking from the Family Room towards the Kitchen

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Bricking is completed

Well the brickies have done it! They have finished bricking our house. In just 10 days! To say we are excited is an understatement. We think it is looking fabulous. These pictures are the last few days of bricking and it all done.

 Me and the kids, lol

 Eek! Look at that retaining wall that's needed!